12 , 2022
TestSafe Update
Some users have reported that their access to TestSafe has been discontinued.
The deployment of eReferrals in general practice is steaming ahead, with one third of eligible GP practices in the Auckland metro region now LIVE.
Rollout is being implemented in six groups of fifty or so practices over six months. Each practice in each group has received information from healthLink on the installation process, the technical requirements and release notes about the system.
healthLink are leading the deployment and are ready to guide and assist each site to get configured and up and running with eReferrals.
The healthLink eReferrals Deployment Team can be contacted on 0800 288 885 or helpdesk@healthlink.net
Date | Total eReferrals Received | Total GP Practices Live | % of GP Practices Live |
01/05/12 | 1740 | 103 |
32% |
Group 6 consisting of the fifty MyPractice sites will have their rollout date confirmed shortly. We are working on getting the last few issues resolved and will then quickly move to deploy those sites.
Each PHO has nominated a Support person or team who is liaising with healthLink and the eReferrals project team to provide additional support and follow-up. When the healthLink Deployment team is unable to complete an installation for any non-technical reason, the PHO nominated person or persons will contact the practice directly and walk through the issues and logistics. Practices can direct usage questions to their PHO support person who will provide the necessary training and follow-up. In addition to this PHO support, our Website has a range of training documents and videos.
eReferrals is providing an insight into referring activity across the region, as seen in the chart below. Reporting is also being developed for PHOs and general practice to support the continued uptake of eReferrals.
The business case for Phase Two is now mid-approval phase with the three Auckland metro DHBs and the National Health IT Board.
Phase Two allows each referral to be processed electronically through registration, grading, secondary referral and completion. It will also include the electronic creation and processing of new referrals within and between the Auckland DHBs.
In addition to these deliverables, there is also the development of new templates for services that manage their own referrals, eg. Allied Health Service, Child and Youth Health Services, Health of Older People, Mental Health Services, Radiology, and Sexual Health Services
The project is focused on completing the rollout and supporting general practice in transitioning from paper to electronic referring. If you have any questions or comments about eReferrals, please email the team on ereferrals@healthalliance.co.nz.